Make Money Editing Photos
- Entry-level photo editing jobs
- Wedding photo editor jobs
- Fix the photo
- Online photo editing jobs
without investment
- Earn money online
- Photos that need editing
- Photoshop editing jobs
- Photo editing services
Make Money Editing Photos
25 35 45 even up to $50 per photo that you edit and you don't need any software. You don't have to buy anything, this is a hundred percent free I'm gonna give you all the details right on this blog what's up guys. Here today I make blog every single day about making money online and if you subscribe right now.
I'll send you an update and a
notification whenever I come out with a new blog or article and if you would
like to learn right now how to make a full-time passive income right online
because this is what I'm doing if you want to make money while you sleep and
while you're out on vacation spending time with your family well. I'm gonna
share with you exactly how to do that alright let's go ahead and jump in this the article you no longer need Photoshop to start editing photos and start earning
money right online you can do this from home in your pajamas.
Earn money online
You can start earning 25 35 45 55
up to 75 even a hundred dollars for and making these little tiny edits on
different photos and things this is so easy to do and the great thing is that a lot of people out there, don't even know how to use computers you know we got
the older people the baby boomers they don't know how to use you know the
software and different things like that.
Well that's where you come in
they don't even know where to go nobody knows, where to go to get this free
software that's really easy to use and you can start editing photos in seconds
and you're gonna earn a full-time income by doing this you get 75 dollars an hour for doing something that only takes like minutes to do and so I'm really
excited to tell you this I'm gonna tell you where to get the people that are
going to pay you for this work, okay you guys are gonna have so much work doing
I would just drop everything
right now and go out there and start this business let me give you all the
details right on this blog right here okay so here's a website that you are
gonna go to right now this is called photo t oh really what you're gonna do is
go over to google and type in makeup photo sounds weird to type in make a photo
and you're gonna find this website here it's makeup dot F H OTO okay as soon as
you click on that you're going to over to this website right here this is an
automatic retouching thing but also I've got some duck, yeah I've got something
Entry Level Photo Editing Jobs
I want to tell you guys how to
get Photoshop for absolutely free
and it runs in your browser you guys are going to love this blog this is more
money for you alright so go over to this website the right now the first thing
you are going to do to demonstrate how this works come right down here and as
soon as you get there click on enhance your photo now when you do that there's
a little prompt that comes up on the screen it's going to be asking you to
upload your photo ok pretty.
Straightforward come over here
and click on from computer and then from this point just browse on your hard
drive to whatever photo that you want to retouch. Now I have one right here’s a
photo ok beautiful woman she had little pimples and dimples and different
things on her face and to make it look a little bit better, what we're gonna do
is smooth everything out now normally traditionally like years ago this would
take hours to do you know you'd be sitting there in Photoshop clicking around
on different things and all that stuff, but not anymore it's super easy to
retouch photos who's going to do it absolutely in less than a minute in seconds
you guys can do this so this is the image that I'm going to use today.
I'm gonna click on photo retouch
before let's go ahead and load this up and then so it's loading there it is
alright it's processing that screen goes away and you can start to see it
applying the different effects to the photo and look at that boom it's already
done I mean I thought I'd even take that long to two guys but let me just go
ahead and move this up a little bit so you guys can see this have you noticed I
haven't even signed up for anything.
I haven't even registered I
haven't game pulled out my credit card I haven't verified my ad and my social
security number and all that stuff I haven't done any of that stuff.
I haven't even registered to the
website or log in to it or nothing guys a couple of seconds go to this
website start uploading your photos and look at the pizzazz the skin smoothing
that can happen right away so look right over here see the original what boom
check it outlook at that it's got you've got little pimples and dimples came
back but as soon as I release the mouse boom it's totally smooth out now you
guys can control the type of touch-up and the different effects that you want
that is applied to the photo and you can do that easily by coming over here to
the right or coming over here to the left and clicking on these different things
maybe you don't want the skin makeup, okay you can go check that or maybe you
don't want the shining remover or the wrinkle-smoothing you can just go through
here and customize the different options so you can get the photo to look
exactly like you want now.
I wouldn't you guys are all
finished with this all you have to do is just scroll down here and there's a little button that says save and share and that will allow you to download the
image pretty simple guys but let me tell you something else for those little
bits more advanced photos that you are going to get from these from his clients
you guys are gonna have tons of clients if you just follow the different steps
Online photo editing jobs
without investment
I'm going to tell you right on
this article you guys are gonna have like a business something that you can
take away by the time this video is over if you follow me all the way to the
end you're gonna have something up a complete package that you can take with
you and you can start this today all right so just stay with me here now there
is another program it's right over here it's called photo pea okay it might be
called Photo Pea.
This is it right here just go
over to and instantly you are going to have access which it looks
like you've just logged in or you just opened up Photoshop alright this is one
of the most amazing things that I've ever seen it's the closest thing to
Photoshop I've ever seen and it's online installed in the browser you don't
have to sign up to anything you don't have to register you don't need an email
address or nothing just go over there right now and then come over here to file
go over to open browse I'm going to just use that same file of the beautiful a woman that we just use just a moment ago I'm gonna use her image I'm gonna go
ahead and click on that and then click on open alright so we load this upright
We've got some advertisements and
stuff like that, hey you know that's all good you know they have to pay the
bills so you get a couple of ads even banners and stuff like that but who cares
the foot that this whole program is really easy to use guys what you can do is
grab the magnifying glass here and I'm just going to zoom in a little bit and
we'll switch that to zoom.
I'm gonna zoom in and here's a
little technique when you guys are retouching maybe you are looking to do
something a little bit more advanced where it requires you to actually go in
there and start you know adding a little bit more details maybe the program
over here the automatic program at photo vo this one may not be advanced enough
to go in there and actually do some custom photo retouching jobs that's when
you would use the photo pea program, okay so you can go in there and you press
the spacebar on the keyboard that's going to give you a little hand tool just
like that a little hand tool.
You can move around and then what
you can do is grab this little spot healing brush which is right over here okay
so click right here or hold down the mouse click on Spot Healing Brush tool now
watch really closely here as I use the bracket keys on the keyboard I can make
this bigger and then I can make this a little bit smaller you see that
depending on how big the pimples and dimples are and how big the wrinkles are
it's really easy to do this program it automatically detects the skin out
around the area, so it will retouch B pimple perfectly.
Almost let me go ahead and tell
you this so I’m going ahead and Click on it boom it's gone here's another one
right here click it's gone I can click and drag a little bit over that pimple
so if there's something a little bit longer maybe like a wrinkle underneath the
eye or something on the forehead or whatever you can easily do that I want to
make sure to maintain the freckles as much as possible so I'm just going to
what made a little freckle there let me go ahead and just up there we go.
I just start clicking around
enough times and then eventually it'll start to look exactly the way I want so
let's just go ahead and I'll click on that minor find glass one more time and
then click on the minus up here and then click on the image and zoom out a little bit and you can see the top area here is really looking much better.
When you guys are all set to go what you're going to do is come over here to file come right down here to save you can go to export as and save this as a JPEG or jpg JPEG yeah kind of telling my age a little bit but come down here and save it as a jpg file and this is the file that you were gonna want to give to your client now you guys are wondering well that's a great mark that's great that there's a free editing software online and there's a free program right in their browser that works with Photoshop and all, I have to do is just upload photos and this little service here retouches everything for you automatically that's great but where do.
I get these people to buy my
stuff right that's what you're going where do I get the Oh traffic right that's
a lot of people want to know where do I get the traffic in the eyeballs who are
going to know that I'm even offering this that's what we're gonna talk about
right now okay so one of the first ways to do this now the first one is going
to be five now hold on a minute I know you guys are freaking out you're rolling
your eyeballs right now you're like oh my god did he just say a Fiverr yes I
did okay but this is only one method.
I've got some other methods to stay with me
here on this video to the end I'm going to tell you all the different methods
you were going to be blown away by the time this is over okay so if you're not
already blowing away a lot of people get blown away already in the first half
of one of my videos, okay so we're on fiver right now
You can offer and make a little
profile in a gig for offering photo retouching services and I want you to look
at this because there's a lot of people that kind of do okay work and they are
making Bank with this okay so looking over here on the basic plan, she's
charging 7500 for he or she but this person is charging seventy-five dollars
for three images a hundred and ten dollars for five and at the premium package
one hundred and forty bucks for seven images now know which a lot of you are
like who in the world is going to
pay that much money if you can just go on the internet and upload a photo and
have a retouched for you automatically well here's the thing a lot of people do
not know how to do that they don't know about Photo Pea they don't know about the
How many people do you know
they're gonna know what Photoshop is what's Photoshop-like ask people on your
family your friends that's just an indication let me go ahead and move on here
one method did you guys can do this and if you don't think people want the
services if you don't think there's a big enough demand out there think again
to scroll right down here and I want you to look at the reviews 780 reviews on
this one gig what does that tell you there are people out there that want these
services to let's jump over to another one here’s another option another way
that you can advertise and promote this you can go right over to Craigslist
over to the services section in your local city or you can go outside of your
local city or go to a different state even to expand your business a little bit
and your different ads and four things that you're posting just don't get too
spammy on Craigslist because they don't like that just post a couple few ads a
day but you can see there are people on Craigslist right now that are posting
high-end photo retouching and editing services it's all right there they've got
this big thing the great thing about Craigslist is you can post pictures of
your work before and after you could do all this to sell your services.
There are thousands and millions
of people coming online every single day because they have photos they don't
like the way they look there are wrinkles and Pitbulls and dimples and little you
no blackheads or whatever if you know stuff like that all people's faces and
they don't know how to remove it and how to make it look good so that's why
people are out there looking for these types of services now here's another one
for you this is gonna blow you away you guys have heard about okay you've heard
about Upwork and a lot of you guys don't
like it, you're like I tried Upwork.
I went I met a profile nobody
bought my stuff nobody you know to bid on my job or whatever like that guy's you
have to start somewhere okay you just have to start maybe even charge a little a bit less than someone else just so you can start to get some work started to get
some clients and build up your profile but there are people coming on to up
work 24 hours a day looking for photo retouching services here's the guy right
here charges $30 an hour total that he has earned doing photo retouching forty a thousand guys forty $40,000 he has earned and he's only done 71 jobs and he's
only worked a little over a thousand hours.
Look at the pricing of these
different jobs that he has done here this completely blows me away there is a
huge opportunity if I wasn't doing affiliate marketing this is what I would be
doing if I wasn't doing you know internet marketing or affiliate marketing or
you know high ticket sales or whatever this is what I would be doing yes I
would drop everything if I had to figure out you know how do I put food on the
table because actually this is what I did do but those of you that don't know, I
went to local businesses, I went to Google Maps and typed in a photo store near me
and went to the different local stores in my area and this is something that you
guys can do and hand out a business card and say I do photo retouching but don't
just go to one store go to multiple stores or hit them up on Facebook and say
hey I do photo retouching I'll do a couple for the free right get your foot in the
door all right and so looking down here we got the Golden Triangle in the Tampa
Eagle photo graphics we got max
photo and decor let's go ahead and check that out so max photo and decor look
like them. You know to take photos out of frames, put them in new frames they do
canvas wraps and different things like that how many people do you think that
bring photos in here and they're just like. You know what that's great I love
it that you offer frames and you print photos but, I need stuff retouched this
doesn't look too good or you can also say hey you offer these services you know
you put frames and photos and nice frames and different things but how would
you like to make them look a little bit better give me a call hand them a
business card and say give me a call and I will make the photo look better.
I'll take out the scratches and
the dust and I'll take out the pimples and dimples and different things and
make it look fantastic I'll send it back to you and your client is going to be
completely blown away a client gives you 50 60 70 photos right in a box in a shoebox
and you're like holy crap I have to edit all these photos don't worry about it
just give me a call I'll do everything for you okay and I'll do it at an
amazing price give them an irresistible offer that they can't refuse and so
looking over here now a lot of you guys well I don't have business cards well
how would you like to get free business cards to go over to a website called for
over for calm.
Yep just come right up here,
where it says start here come right down here where it says business cards
Click on that and then right here there is a link that says free business cards
now the only thing they ask in return is if they can put their little logo on
the back of the card oh who cares right really simple guys come right over here
a quantity you can set the quantity 200 or even 300 free business cards you can
get it all right here and it's actually really good quality it's the standard
size two inches by 3.5 now of course.
How I took action when I made
this blog now with all this said everything that I've talked about on this
blog. If you're still kind of like yeah, I don't know mark I don't want to talk
to anybody right I don't want to touch photos you know because really at the
end of the day.
I mean we can both agree that you
know you're really still trading time for money right you're still trading time
for money here and because, if you don't have a photo job you're not gonna be
able to work and if you stop working the money stops well if everything that I
talked about with you today if none of this interests you if you are just like
yeah but, I want something better maybe you are looking to generate a full-time
passive income right online a lot of people and this is what I'm doing okay a
lot of folks don't know what a passive income is so let me just explain that a
passive income is where you can make money.
When you're not working okay you
make money while you work but let's just say you know like this morning. I woke
up I had new money coming into my account before I even got out of bed, I wake
up I can check my phone if I'm out with my family if we're out traveling or on
vacation or just out for lunch that money keeps coming in and this is called a
passive income now if I decide to take a week off as a matter of fact about a couple of weeks ago I did take some time off from my blogs well that
money just kept coming in and.
I didn't really do a whole lot
okay, I have several of these different income streams so if you want multiple
income streams and my fingers here multiple income streams coming into you
just coming in like this. If a lot of people do not know how to do this. If you
would like to learn how to do this actually have some information that I can
share with you okay if you want to know because I'm sharing exactly what I'm doing.
I'm out there to help people I'm not there I'm not out there just to scream and
yell and make all these weird blogs and stuff and you know I'm out there to tell
you how to make money online but I really want to see you guys succeed so check
out the link below in
I will get that information over
to you right away, all sure well you'll learn a little bit more about me and
you know kind of what I've done and what, I've tried and what has not worked
and then I'm going to tell you to share with you exactly what does work what has which
has allowed us to move here to be southern Florida I'm living the flip-flop
lifestyle right now and absolutely love it check out that link below right now.
I'll get that information over to
you, if you guys want more blogs or articles about making money online how to
work from home how to become an entrepreneur how to break free from the
nine-to-five, so you guys have more time and freedom to do what you want to do
because you know what I've worked so many jobs and let me tell you jobs suck
okay. I don't care what anybody says they suck okay if you want to be able to call
your own shots if you're sick of having somebody telling you, what to do, when
you can have a break a lunch break or if you don't want to go into work one day
you know they might even say hey you know don't tell up tomorrow because you're
fired or whatever. I don't know it's not
a place that I really.
I want it to be myself and so I'm providing
new different ways and different strategies to make money online and if you subscribe
what I'll do is send you a notification and an update whenever I come out with
a new article, you'll see it on your phone or wherever you are you log in to Money-Saw and I'll keep you updated
and exactly, what I'm doing okay so you guys have an awesome day it was great
to see you and I will see you guys on the next video all right peace out.
This article is for educational
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